In an appraised effort to empower the female gender in the world, Google has unveiled a range of programs as well as grants worth $25 million today. The grant is to fund works of non-profits and social organizations that are committed to the empowerment of women and girls
Announced on International women’s day, a day picked to celebrate the beauty and strength of ladies around the world on the internet. In an aim to strengthen and give women the ground and level their opposite gender possesses so as to ensure their total wellbeing.

What is IWD (International Women’s Day)?
Clara Zenkin founded International Women’s day in 1910. Some say it all began when 15,000 women marched through the streets of New York city demanding basic equal rights as men in 1908. The idea was first brought up by Clara Zenkin at an international conference of working women in Copenhagen from 17 different countries in 1910.
International women’s day has been celebrated around the world since then resulting from different events in different countries. Russia for instance made the celebration formal in 1917, a time of war where women demanded “bread and peace”.
Purple green and white are the coulours that symbolizes the IWD. Purple signifies Justice and dignity, Green, hope and white the purity of a woman. This day is meant to appreciate the strong women out there fighting to be better and to empower the ones without a voice yet in a world ruled by men.
Google Grants and Women Supports
Now you have a basic understanding of the IWD, you should also be able to comprehend Google’s charitable actions. “Whatever these teams needs, we are going to be alongside them and help them carry out their vision,”Jacqueline Fuller, President of at the event.
Fuller announced that is going to invest an additional $1 million to help undeserved women in India. Google is also working on a new feature in Google pay app that will allow entrepreneurs to showcase their business pages within the payment app for free.
This will further allow women entrepreneurs to highlight that their business is owned or led by a woman or women in Google search and Google maps.Today marks 110years after the original creation of International women’s day.
However, there are still reports at large of gender inequality that has given rise to topics like feminism. To everyone woman out there; Happy women’s day; this is to anticipate of a future where you would never be subdued by the bondages of gender imbalance.