Ways to Make Windows 10 Faster and Improve Performance – When Windows 10 came out, it was termed as the last edition of the Windows OS. Consequently, if this is true, there will not be any further editions of the windows OS i.e Windows 11 or 12, and so on.
Windows 10, with time will only be updated and new versions will be released thus there will be no new Windows OS brand. In light of this knowledge, you need to know some ways to make Windows 10 faster and improve performance.
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7 Tricks to Make Your Windows 10 Function Better
You could try out hardware upgrading or getting a new PC but that will involve money. So we are just going to stick to the basic effective tricks to improve your Windows OS.
Here are some things you could try out to improve your Windows 10 OS performance;
Remove Visual Effects
Right-click on the Start Button and hit on “System”. Next, click on “Advanced System Settings” and under the “Performance” section, select “Settings”. Locate the “Visual Effects” tab and select how you want to regulate the special effects settings.
You could set it to “Custom” which will balance the whole thing or “Adjust for Best Performance” or uncheck all special effects you don’t need. Then tap on “OK” to apply the changes you’ve made.
Enable Game Mode
Have too many running background apps slowing down your device performance and you need to work within an application that uses GPU acceleration, just turn on Game mode. Depending on the app you are running and how good your device is, this should boost the OS performance to an extent.
Open “Settings” on your device and click on “Gaming”> “Game Mode”. Toggle on the switch to enable the Game mode. After enabling it, you could subsequently activate it with a “Windows Key + G” key combo.
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Power Processor Boost
Go to the “Settings” tab and get to the “Control Panel”. Then select “Power Options” which will present you with a way to improve your device’s processor.
Then choose “High” keeping in mind that this will drain your device’s battery life faster than the normal rate.
Disable Transparency
Open “Settings” and navigate to “Personalization”> “Color”. Then toggle off “Make Start”, “Taskbar” and “Action Centre Transparent”. This will cancel out the see-through feature when you visit any of those menus.
Also, it would increase your Windows 10 performance to some extent.
Use the Performance Trouble-shooter
If your Windows 10 OS case is critical, you need to do this. Right-click on the “Start” button and select “Control Panel”. Under the “Security and Maintenance” section, select “Troubleshoot Common Computer Problems”.
On the next page, on the “System and Security” section, click on “Run Maintenance Tasks” to start the troubleshooting process.
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Check Out Your Internet Connection
Most Windows 10 OS tend to have performance issues when connected to the web. There are a lot of things you could try out to fixing your Windows 10 internet connection issues;
- Buy an Ethernet cable and configure your wired connection.
- Find out which router channel works best on your device and change it on your router’s settings.
- Using mobile data; set the internet connection to metered thus stopping your Windows 10 OS from auto-updating itself. Open “Settings”> “Network & Internet”> “Wi-Fi” and then select the network you are connected to. Navigate to “Metred Connection” and toggle on the switch next to “Set as metered connection”.
Try Disk Cleaning
Use the Windows search tab to find “Disk Cleanup” and open it. Click on “Clean Up System Files” to start the process.
This will free-up space on your device by eliminating junk files thus improving your Windows 10 OS performance.
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More Ways to Make Windows 10 Faster
- Ensure you are not using a “Power Saver” plan especially if you are using a desktop.
- Uninstall bad or useless apps or software from your device. These apps can also include Windows 10 pre-installed apps. Right-click on Start and get to the “Control Panel” menu. Then navigate to the Programs section and click on “Uninstall a Program” to delete apps or software you do not need on your device.
- A factory reset might help if you don’t mind losing your files and programs.
- Restart your PC.
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