Facebook Messenger Dark Mode – Facebook Messenger is an Instant Messaging or chatting application of Facebook well known for its messaging uniqueness and security. The software helps the Facebook community connect and communicate with each other effectively and privately.
It is connected to Facebook so it works based on user’s Facebook profile hence the importance of having a Facebook profile before proceeding to Messenger.

Messenger Dark Mode
It’s been talked about, been speculated about, and we’ve been awaiting its arrival for so long now, the Facebook dark mode feature on Facebook is one of those features users can wait to experience. Despite the fact that other social media platforms already possess it. Facebook dark mode arrival has been long expected and awaited.
Now available on Messenger which was previously hidden behind an egg in which Facebook Messenger Users had to send a crescent moon emoji to activate it.
This feature switches the regular light or white chat display of Facebook Messenger to black regulating light, creating a better chat experience at Night and definitely saving batteries lives on devices.
Without doubt, dark mode on Messenger will make the application quite exciting and inviting to use, black is beautiful and anything on black can be quite attractive.
How to Activate Dark Mode on Facebook Messenger
- Make sure you have the Facebook Messenger application on your device, download and install from your device application store if you do not have it.
- Open the application and tap on your profile picture at the top left corner.
- Tapping on it will open up your Facebook Messenger profile where you’ll see a “Dark Mode” option.
- Click on it to activate it.